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Community Organizations

Each member of the Alliance of Genocide Victim Communities is from a community that has experienced genocide. Currently, our membership includes representatives from Hazara, Rwandan, Tamil, Tigrayan, Tibetan and Uyghur communities. 


To learn more about our communities, check out this list of organizations that work tirelessly to raise awareness about the most critical issues our communities face, provide support to victims and survivors, advocate for justice and accountability, and promote peace and reconciliation. 

Canada Tibet Committee


The Canada Tibet Committee defends and promotes the human rights and democratic freedoms of the Tibetan people. The CTC monitors developments inside Tibet and builds public awareness in Canada through its outreach activities. The CTC encourages support for Tibet from the federal government, the Parliament of Canada, and related stakeholders.


Irob Anina Civil Society 


 Canada-based globally operating non-profit to support to advocate for the Irob minority and the people of Tigray at large.


Security and Justice for Tigrayans Canada (SJTC)


Security and Justice for Tigrayans Canada is a non-political, non-religious global movement initiated by concerned Tigrayans-Ethiopians (henceforth Tigrayans) in the diaspora. The purpose of this initiative is to safeguard the security and justice of Tigray, and the rights and interests of its peoples. This initiative uses peaceful means of struggle to achieve the aforementioned purpose.

Rwandan Community Abroad (RCA)


The promotion of the Rwandan culture to Canadian, unity and reconciliation in the Rwandan Community Abroad. objectives are to bring together the Rwandans and friends of Rwanda in order to make Rwanda known, in particular through the organization of cultural activities

Uyghur Rights Advocacy Project


Primary objectives of URAP through documentation and Advocacy Campaign in Canada is to increase the political and public awareness on the unfolding Uyghur genocide committed by China and push for political actions by the government of Canada to address the issue domestically and globally.


Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE)

The Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam is a democratically elected Government of over a million strong Tamils (from the island of Sri Lanka) living in several countries around the world. TGTE was formed after the mass killing of Tamils by the Sri Lankan Government in 2009. The Prime Minister of TGTE is Mr. Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran, a New York-based lawyer. TGTE is leading a campaign to realize the political aspirations of Tamils through peaceful, democratic, and diplomatic means and its Constitution mandates that it should realize its political objectives only through peaceful means. It’s based on the principles of nationhood, homeland and self-determination.
TGTE seeks that the international community hold the perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide against the Tamil people to account. TGTE calls for a referendum to decide the political future of Tamils.


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